President, Arizona DeMolay Foundation
Chase W. Gordon joined the Board of Directors in July 2019, serving as a Director, Secretary, and as its President. During his time on the Board, Chase has brought a wealth of experience from both inside and outside of the DeMolay world.
Chase is a Past International President of DeMolay International, bringing the Board of Directors a worldwide approach to management, project design, and collaboration. He traveled 80,000 air miles while International President to Brazil, Paraguay, and all over the United States, meeting and inspiring DeMolay members while serving on the multi-million dollar corporation as a Board Director. He has also traveled across 11 countries overall.
Educationally, Chase graduated with honors from the acclaimed Thunderbird School of Global Management with a Bachelor's Degree in Global Management: International Business and Culture. He also graduated with his Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., and now practices antitrust law at a global law firm.